The Mightily Important Coral Reef

The Mightily Important Coral Reef - Emilie O'Connor Homestore

The Mightily Important Coral Reef 

The living-breathing ecosystem of a coral reef is small (relatively speaking) but mightily important. Coral reefs cover about 1% of the ocean however; over 25% of all marine creatures depend on the reef at one stage in during their life cycle. Many people also reply upon on this fragile ecological community, for example, an estimated $6.4 billion per year and 65,000 jobs added to the Australian economy from the Great Barrier Reef alone.

The sad reality is that this life-giving underwater universe is in trouble. Human-caused climate change is killing off the coral, and in the last 30 years over 50% of it has been lost. It’s a worrying trend that has been accelerating in the last few years. Rising sea temperatures have bleached over half of the coral in the Great Barrier Reef, and it’s a similar story in the reefs around the world. When it comes to ocean conservation all too often for our everyday lives it’s  ‘out of sight out of mind case ’ but the climate crisis is urgent and we must act now to curb climate emissions if we are to save the reef for the future.  

Coral has been used for centuries to inspire artists and designers …….

 The colours and patterns, and creatures from Great Barrier Reef inspired our first collection and we believe that art and design can connect people back to the ocean. Raising awareness and promoting conservation projects. 

We share this passion with other makers and designers:

Here are 3 of our faves

Courtney Coral 

Courtney is a artist and ocean advocate who makes large-scale, awe inspiringly detailed, ceramic works that capture the attention. Her art makes us think about the fragile nature of the coral reefs and the human-caused threats they face.


Jason deCaires Taylor


Made form carefully selected, non-harming materials these sculptures become living breathing parts of the underwater landscape. Fish and crustaceans use the nooks as homes and coral attaches itself to the durable rough cement, essentially creating an artificial reef. Each of Jason’s sculptures carries a power social commentary whist working to enhance the environments where they are placed.


Vanessa Barragão


Vanessa makes beautiful wall hangings, tapestries and rugs based on coral reefs. Preserving the handmade process and up cycling is at the heart of her creations, each piece is made using traditional techniques and recycled materials. Her designs speak to the textiles industry at large, whose endless productions and processes, which use chemicals and heavy machinery, are polluting seas and using up our planet’s resources.


We love these artists. Not only do they capture our imagination, but they also remind us we are connected to the coral reefs and we have the power to change our behaviour to help save them.

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